What is Al-Qarawiyyin?

Al-Qarawiyyin is a mosque and university in Fez, Morocco. The initial mosque, built by Fatima Al-Fihri in 859AD, later became home to the world’s first degree-issuing institution, hosting classes not only on the Islamic sciences but mathematics, science, astronomy, and foreign languages as well. It became a reference point for people all over the world to visit and learn, and set the standard for subsequent institutions of learning. The university and mosque are still in operation today, and stand as a testament to the glory of Islam and the sincerity of a Muslim woman.

The Qarawiyyin Project is a step in the path laid out by our foremothers, from Hawaa’ and Hajar, to Maryam and Aisha, to Fatima Al-Fihri and all those in between and since. We strive to embody their steadfastness and sincerity in pursuit of Allah Most High.